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Adam Cleall's Expedition to the Underworld

Adam Cleall's Expedition to the Underworld was my first album.

It is an audiovisual adventure in which the listener gets in a

submarine and travels down through the ocean floor and into hell,

and also learns that everything will be okay. It is also recorded horribly!

I began writing the record in the summer of 2019 when I was working

in an amusement park. I then recorded it in the autumn of the same year

when a mean college supply teacher suggested I wasn't a very good artist,

so I went home and wrote & recorded my hit single 'Milkmen', and then the

rest of the record over November. I'd say it's not a very good album in

alot of ways, but it's at the very least interesting.

Adam Cleall's Expedition was heavily influenced by Foxygen's '...and Star Power'

and Syd Barret's 'The Madcap Laughs', so if you like it you will probably love those!


You can listen to the album at these places:



Apple Music



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